Voice to Parliament
GPV appeal to Members of Victorian Parliament
Dear Fellow Australian and Member of Parliament,
The Board of Grandparents Victoria hereby urges you to employ your efforts as a representative of the electorate in support for the ‘yes’ vote in the upcoming referendum on The Voice to Parliament. It is important that Victoria registers a strong ‘yes’ vote – one we can be proud of now and into the future, and we ask you to lead the way towards that achievement.
The Voice to Parliament procedures, once operational, will provide an avenue for negotiating a treaty with our First Nations People, something Victoria is already working towards.
Importantly, Australian citizens want to feel part of the solution. A Constitution that gives a Voice to Parliament for our First Nations People will stimulate in each of us a sense of being part of applying a solvent to an ingrained stain on the nation’s character.
Yours in reconciliation,
Anne McLeish

T: (03) 9372 2422
W: https://grandparents.com.au